MONO! has been my first iOS Game that I released on the App Store. It has been created when it first became possible to create mobile apps using Adobe Flash/Air. My goal was to get throuh every step of the development process from concept to release. That includes the concept, artwork, animations, coding, project-management, dev environment setup and a little bit of marketing.

The goal is simple: Collect circles and rectangles depending on the symbol that is shown in the middle of the screen. The circles and rectangles are spawning outside of the screen and are flying towards the center. The user can collect these be switching the center-symbol to the one that is about to collide with it. He can only switch once per second. If the colliding symbol and the centers one are identical the user earns points. If not: he loses one of three lives. Optional you can destroy symbols be tapping on it. But you won’t get any scores for that.

The mood of the game is aimed to be really relaxing. The blue color and the slow particle effects and the music help to archive the targeted mood.


The game is no longer available online.


  • Slackhead Games (Private)

First iOS Game that I released on the App Store. Made using Adobe Flash, Adobe Air and ActionScript 3. I've been an early adopter of Adobes Air wrapper iOS.