Master Thesis: A Unity Entity-Component-System + Proof of concept game

As part of my master’s thesis I designed and implemented an Entity-ComponentSystem framework in (almost) pure C#. The Unity engine is connected only as “view”. This is still a living side project and is extended and changed irregularly as I learn new things.
As proof-of-concept I implemented a „tug-of-war“ or RTS defense game (see Clash Royal etc.) in Unity – which I called Warmongers. The projects goal has been to implement an example use case for the developed ECS framework and to test the following special framework functionalities: Headless execution, fast-forward, resumable replays. Allowing for replays that can be stored on disk, fast -forwarded and it’s gameplay resumed by the user at anytime.

All assets were bought in the Unity Asset Store


  • Player VS AI
  • Player VS Player


  • Mouse
  • Gamepad

Demo version

The browser version of the game can be played here: Play Warmongers

Ingame action - The two armies clashing


Proof-of-concept project to demonstrate my ECS implementation as part of my master thesis.