Christian Henschel
Software Engineer
Tag Archives: unity
VSCode as an alternative to MonoDevelop for Unity
Ever since I can remember Unity comes with a tweaked version of MonoDevelop to help you produce your code magic and it’s truely not satisfying to work with. But there is an alternative named VSCode that is working on Windows & Mac alike. And you are about to read about it right now. Update 03/26/2016:…
Pooling Part 1: Optimize your game’s performance
Why pool? Creating and destroying GameObjects costs memory & processor power. If the GC kicks in to clear unused objects from memory your application might stutter a moment. To avoid these hiccups you can use a technique called Pooling. The idea The idea behind pooling is to create a bunch of objects (e.g. GameObjects) at application start or after a…
Unity + Leap Motion: 3D-Pad prototype
Hey, I’m currently trying to get into this Leap Motion stuff using their Unity SDK. To make my start less difficult I made my first project on some kind of D-Pad in 3D using XYZ axis. For this demo I use only the position of my palm relative to my “initial position”. My app currently stores the “initial position”…
Render screen to texture in Unity (without Pro)
If you own a Unity Pro license you are able to draw the screen content to a texture by using a RenderTexture. An alternativ way for Unity Free users is the usage of Texture2D.ReadPixels. It can be used to capture the whole screen of the application or just a smaller part of it. In this…